There’s a reason “what’s your favorite color?” is such a quintessential icebreaker question– our favorite colors can say a lot about us, according to color psychology. Color psychology, or the study of how color influences our behavior, has existed for millennia and the way in which various hues affect our emotions and sensations bleeds not into contemporary popular media but our own perception of the world around us. In short: color is a big deal, and the study of color psychology goes beyond cool and warm colors being regarded as calming and activating, respectively. While the scientific study of a hue’s psychologic remains limited, it’s undeniable that colors and the way we think about them are a major part of our day-to-day lives.

Wondering what your favorite color says about you? There may not be an hard-and-fast scientific explanation, but here’s what some suggest:


No matter what, it’s almost universally agreed upon that red is a color of passion and energy. This intense hue is often used to represent danger or aggression, but perhaps red is a little misunderstood: after all, many signifiers, like stop signs, are red as a means of standing out getting our attention. It may just be that red is the color of boldness and confidence. In fact, some argue that red is the color of success.


When used in interior decoration and other design forms, blue is often chosen for its relaxing and calming effect. It comes as no surprise that if your favorite color is blue, you might be even-tempered and, since blue is associated with honesty, trustworthy and responsible.


Because of its connection to nature, the color green is tied to ideas of harmony and compassion. Since green is a cool color, like blue, peacefulness and serenity are also associated with the color. You might have a love for the earth, animals, or hey– maybe you just really like your vegetables. No matter the reason, green is a good color for conveying a sense of groundedness.


Yellow is the color of joy, but it’s also a signifier of creativity. If your favorite color is yellow, you might be drawn to unique things and have a positive attitude, especially about trying new things. You’re known for being friendly and perhaps, as your favorite color suggests, you have a sunny personality.


Like lovers of the color red, those whose favorite hue is orange are known for being extroverted and bold– but you may also be carefree and cheerful, not unlike your friends who prefer yellow. Many also associate orange with a sense of adventure and spontaneity.


If you’re partial to purple, you might be quite the empath. Purple is tied to ideas of sensitivity, thoughtfulness, and wisdom. It also suggests someone who is regal in nature, given its historical connection to royalty across various cultures– purple dye was originally quite rare to produce, and as such it gained a reputation as being a status symbol.


Those who favor pink are often thought of as generous, and because of its association with love, caring and nurturing. Its proximity to purple makes it unsurprising that sensitivity and kindness are also traits associated with pink and those who can’t get enough of it.